The Wonderful Adventure of Porny, Plank, and Kill (Part 1)

One day, Plank, Kill, and Porny all decided to get together for an adventure, and finally decided to go the Creepypasta Wiki, Spinpasta Wiki, and then back to the Trollpasta wiki, their homeland. But of course, if this was just a regular adventure, who would want to hear it? What happened was a bit more... exciting...
They all were walking towards the Trollpasta chat, when suddenly, a sock appeared! Porny looked at Kill and yelled, "Oh god! A sock!" Kill then took out the mighty banhammer, and banned the sock for eternity.... Or so he thought. "Another day, another asswipe," Kill sighed, wiping the sock's brain matter off his squeaky banhammer of doooooooom. "Well, that's over with, what do you guys feel like doing?" Plank replied by saying, "I think it would be fun to go see if we can manage to make the mods turn off their pings, because of people pinging them too much."
Porny just stared at Plank and Kill, and said, "But,  I like my pings" Then made a sad face. He perked up instantly, "There's some place we can go, but I warn you, it may be dangerous. We must go..." Porny pointed dramatically, "To Uncle Cluric's domain, The Chat of Scary Noodles!"
This was about the time that Kill did a spit take. "Are you crazy?! Nobody ever goes there, 'cept Cleric and Shini. They don't even let the Bcrats in! If we tried, we'd be screwed!" Plank then replied, "Kill you pussy, let's go down there and see what the fuck is going on. I have wondered what is going on there." Porny slapped Plank and Kill upside the head, "Alright ya lil' shits, we go in heavily armed, we take no chances, got that?! NO CHANCES!" Porny then climbs into his tank, which happens to be a TV, and began to roll into chat. "Idiots" Kill muttere, before get a knife cleverly hidden in a double sided dildo, and following Porny into the chat. 
"What will we do if Shini or Cleric spots us?" Asked Plank, grasping his trusty plank gun. "We'll find out, now won't we?" Porny then gave Kill a mini dildo knife, and Plank a mini Plank gun. "In case we have everything taken, take these and hide them, this is gonna be fun." Porny then starts singing about the Fall of Troy and casually walked into the chat. "Well I was thinking more along the lines of escaping, instead of invoking a god's wrath and all," Kill replied, taking the mini dildo knife. 
"You expect to outrun a god?" Asked Porny, chuckling. 
"I don't have to outrun a god, I just have to outrun one of you" Kill replied, nonchalantly.
Plank stans off to the side and says "Kill, y u do dis, I am very offended by ur asshatery."
Porny just ignored them both and accidentally ran into Cleirc doing his favorite 80's dance. "OH GOD DAMMIT!" Porny then proceeded to run away like a lil' bitch. 
"Oh shittake mushrooms" Exhaled Kill, dual wielding his dildo blades. "You idiots get out of here, I'll hold this beast off!"
Plank and Agner ran and boarded the Sloshed Train, which was also occupied by Fatal and Crashing. Porny waved at SG(who magically appeared somehow), Fatal and Crashing, "Ohaider guise! We're just runnig from Cleric's mad dance moves." Porny then sits down on the Sloshed Train.
And so Plank and Porny made it home, walking up to Admin HQ to see if any pieces of Kill made it back in a somewhat discernible condition. Imagine their surprise, when they saw him in one piece, curled up on the couch, shivering and whinig.
Plank and Porny replied by asking, "What did you see, Kill? You must tell us what you have seen." And just as they say that, the other Admins crowd around Kill.
Oh for fuck's sale, did you see the nudes of Ki- I mean, yes, what did you see?" Porny said, staring at Kill in a skeptical manner. He sighed in relief when he saw that no one had caught on. 
Kill let out a rather pathetic whimper before saying, "Let's just say, I'll be picking glass out of my anus for weeks. I never knew knives could that way..."
Months later, Plank, Kill, and Porny were back at it again heading down a road towards the Spinpasta Wiki....
''Collab by .''